Louisiana Noir: 12 Full Novels By //

12 sizzling stories of crime, sex, and brutality in the deep south in the 1950s & 1960s by John B. Thompson, Forbes Rydell & Don Kingery, all on one massive ebook.

Annalisa by Forbes Rydel
Death Must Wait by Don Kingery
Girls of the French Quarter by John B. Thompson
Good Time Girl by Don Kingery
Hot Blood- John B. Thompson
Honey – John B. Thompson & Jack Woodford
Love in Louisiana by John B. Thompson & Jack Woodford
Nude in the Sand by John B. Thompson
Out of These Flames by John B. Thompson
Paula by Don Kingery
Sinful Virgin by John B. Thompson
Sugar Doll – John B. Thompson
Swamp Fire by Don Kingery
Swamp Nymphs – John B. Thompson

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