A blood-stirring novel of the conquest of the West, of the lawless days when frontiersmen fought savage Indians and renegade whites for control of the rich, Ohio wilderness…
It’s the summer of 1790… and Col. Duncan Crosbie, a veteran of the American revolution, leads 300 French emigres in a wagon train from Alexandria, Virginia to their new home in the wilds of Ohio… a quest for freedom that becomes a harrowing struggle for their lives.
“The historical background is woven into the story with care, lending realism to the action. Spicer stirs his mixture vigorously in his first attempt at historical fiction. Tension mounts and the suspense races to the denouement.” The New York Times
“Good, historical stuff.” Cincinnati Enquirer
“A historical novel filled with color and adventure.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram
“The hardships and terrors these people underwent seem incredible and make excellent reading.” The Montreal Gazette
“Spicer has thought up a hero or two, a lovely or two, enough Indians and other drawbacks to keep the plot boiling in this swiftly-paced historical.” Albany-Democrat Herald
This book, inspired by actual events leading to the founding of Gallipolis, Ohio, was followed by a prequel, The Tall Captains, also published by Cutting Edge.