Naked Desire By

The intimate story of a woman uncontrollably drive by naked desire…back in print for the first time in over 60 years!

Love means everything to Jacqueline Shannon. But her husband is too old, and too tired, meet her raging lust…so she turns to other men. But even that is not enough. She’s driven by a seething, emotional hunger that has tortured her all of her life. It drove one lover away, another to brand her as insane, and another to violence, physical and psychological, against her. And now her morbid love-frenzy, a woman trapped by the desperate demands of her body, could destroy her.

Henry Lewis Nixon was a pseudonym for Dr. Herbert Leon Newbold (1921–1994), a psychiatrist and self-proclaimed dietician who advocated his namesake diet in several non-fiction books. In addition to his “sleazy” Nixon-penned novels (The Golden Couch, Confessions of a Psychiatrist, etc) he also wrote the “erotic novel” Dr. Cox’s Couch under his own name.

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