A novel so daring, it was banned and pilloried…and then disappeared for over sixty years.
This is the story of country people, commonly referred to at the time as “hillbillies,” who travel to the big city for factory jobs…where they fall prey to ruthless, greedy women eager to fleece them of their hard-earned pay. Fran is one of those women, a former hillbilly herself, who knows how to expertly manipulate these mountain men. But then she gets involved with Leroy Landers, who wants more from her than what she wants to give, more than she can give, and when he doesn’t get it, his backwoods rage boils over. A savage novel raw emotion, sudden violence, and frightening lust.
Upon its release in 1957, Take It Out in Trade was immediately declared “objectionable” by the Roman Catholic Church’s National Office of Decent Literature. The book soon fell out of print for decades an author Walter Whitney, believed to be a pseudonym, was never heard from again…at least not under his real name.
Now the incendiary novel is finally back so you can decide if it is irredeemable trash, or pulpy, harmless entertainment…or even genuine literature.