Posts Categorized: Ronald Kirkbride

Masters of Literary Fiction Super Pack: 12 Full Novels By ////////////

Masters of Literary Fiction Super Pack: 12 Full Novels Twelve literary masterpieces by 12 acclaimed authors, back in print for the first time in 60 years, and collected in one MASSIVE ebook for the first time ever.

The Awakening by John Cantwell
Beyond Defeat by Hans Werner Richter
Crow by Donald Stewart
The Glory Jumpers by Delano Stagg
The Freebooters by Robert Wernick
A Wind is Rising by William Russell
Tamiko by Ronald Kirkbride
The Face of My Assassin by Carolyn Weston and Jan Huchins
A Multitude of Men by William Dale Smith
The Integration of Maybelle Brown by Bonnie Golightly
Ward 20 by James Warner Bellah
The Compassionate Tiger by Hunton Downs

Tamiko By

Tamiko Ivan Balin is a Chinese-Russian man who lives in Tokyo and dreams of moving to America. He is involved in heated affair with Faye Wilson, an intensely erotic, and intensely neurotic, American woman in Tokyo, but he also finds himself passionately drawn to Tamiko, a high-bred, Japanese beauty. Tamiko is skilled in the arts of love, but forbidden to practice them with men of other races -- until she decides that to win Ivan for herself, she must spirit him away to a mountain retreat and break every taboo she knows.